The Artists Fund

Supporting our Artists & Facilitators
In addition to co-creating a magical retreat-style festival with divine music, heavenly yoga and our feet firmly and lovingly on Mother Earth, our aim is to raise as much money as possible to support the charity projects of the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation.
In other words, everyone who helps make Heart Festivals happen is working for the children. None of our artists, performers, teachers or workshop facilitators are paid. We cover their expenses so that they can be with us and they offer their unique gifts in support of our shared cause.
However, if you want to show your appreciation for the wonderful contributors to our programme, we will have a special donations pot that you can contribute to when you book your ticket. All the money that goes into that pot will be divided equally amongst those who will have helped set your hearts on fire this weekend.
Thank you all for your tremendous love and support for Heart Festival, for the children who are helped so profoundly by the work of the Heart Of Living Yoga Foundation and, just as importantly, for your beautiful selves.
We are all here to love ourselves. As we do this for ourselves, we do this for all others.
“I give, you give, we all receive.”